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Teach Me How To Pray

Ever asked yourself, "why aren't my prayers being answered, "how do I pray effective fervent prayers, or just wanted to learn how to pray?"  â€‹You are not alone.  In her newest book, LORD, Teach Me How To Pray, author La Tanya D. Walker uses simple, yet effective strategies to produce a practical guide for an effective fervent prayer life; allowing the reader to become comfortable praying and if practiced, receiving the long-awaited answers to their unanswered prayer.   


Have you ever had a confidential conversation with God?


There has never been a biblical account where someone had a conversation with Go that wasn't life changing and thought provoking.  Moses, Samuel, Mary (Mother of Jesus), and Jesus all had confidential conversations with God and as a result:


a people who were enslaved for 400 years were set free;


an ordinary man became a prophet to kings;


a virgin teenager became pregnant without having sexual intercourse;


and one man died for the remission of the sins of the entire world.  You too can have a life altering, thought provoking conversation with God!  Confidential Conversations, a 21 Day Devotional was designed to walk you successfully through this process.  This devotional enables you to take off the mask that has you tied to an unfruitful past and frees you to live the life God designed for you, unapologetically.

Confidential Conversations

21-Day Devotional

Confidential Conversations

The Last Nine

It’s been a little over two years since I have shared the last conversation and just when I thought the conversations were over, as fate would have it, God wasn’t through talking and it appears neither was I. The last nine promises to be as real and transparent as the first twenty-one, tapping into all five of your senses - hitting you at the core of your being and driving you to, like me, get real about your inner healing and this time once and for all take off your mask(s) for good and become authentically you.

This time the questions are different, His responses and His tolerance are different. Unlike the last missive, where He exuded more patience, let’s just say...

Well, I won't! GET THIS eBOOK and find out what the Father had to say and I how responded! IF you haven't read first 21, pick up a copy while you're at it.

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